SWIMM-Games: Fun & interactive swimming investigates the applicability, technical feasibility and market perspective of an interactive swimming pool. The aim is to integrate games with swimming programs in the field of aqua sports, therapeutic activities and senior swimming.

More and more healthcare facilities want to offer swimming rehabilitation programs because the light gravity environment makes it easier to move. The SWIMM, a compact swimming pool, contains an intelligent system that ensures a smooth counter current and encourages users to move. The challenge is to use interactive games to enhance the swimming experience.

Involved in SWIMM-Games are Fontys Paramedische Hogeschool, Libra Rehabilitation & Audiology, InnoSportLab Sport & Beweeg!, Thermostar and Fontys Hogeschool ICT. The technical feasibility is demonstrated on the basis of substantiated mock-ups. The project term is from August 2020 to February 2021.