Gateway: final concept

Gateway: final concept

The demos of two student teams showed that the Repetitive movements research project must aim at long term stress building patterns. That is the result of a cycle of interviews at the Leo Kannerhuis institution for education. Students presented these findings at the semester 4 Gateway at Fontys School of ICT in Tilburg, The Netherlands.

The first conclusion is that a repetitive movements interface is not particularily useful for the patients themselves. Part of their behavioral pattern might be that they are less capable to correct themselves. So, the interface must be helpful for professionals.

The second conclusion is that these professionals simply do not have the time to monitor interfaces during their normal work. Therefore, an interface is much more useful as a reflectional tool, for example showing that a certain patient is always building up stress on Fridays. That might give leads to problem solving. On the picture is ICT lecturer Alicia Janssen in discussion with students.